

Picture theater,
circus and animated objects

creation 2013
This show is not available anymore for diffusion

For all ages over 10
Duration 55 min

A cut image theater
from the material,
closer to the elements.

Every living creature, every thing, matter or phenomenon, goes through its existence in perpetual motion between appearance, disappearance and transformation. What if we could comprehend reality in this unstable equilibrium ? Let us cast our eyes on the shadow instead of the object itself, on emptiness instead of fullness, on the infinite space instead of the finite space, so that presence would be combined to absence, life to death.

In Impermanence we will try to position ourselves in this in-between space, as a figure progressing on a tightrope, as ice melting into water, then into vapour, along the fragile border between dreams and reality, horizontality and verticality, visible and invisible, in perpetual unstable equilibrium.

«Whom do we speak to
when we keep quiet ?»

Tarjei Vesaas (1897-1970).


Conception and scenography Élise Vigneron
Text Tarjei Vesaas
With Eleonora Gimenez and Élise Vigneron
Sound and lighting management and scenery construction Cyril Monteil, Stage manager and scenery construction Messaoud Ferhat
Installation et création lumière Sylvie Mélis
Dramaturgy Stéphanie Farison
Collaboration artistique Marion Collé
Advice on working the puppets Aurélie Morin
Construction of objects Hélène Barreau et l’Atelier Mazette !
Costume Louise Hochet, Mathilde Brette
Photographie Eric Bourret Vidéo Vasil Tasevski
Design of the trays Benoît Fincker, Patrick Vindimian.
Artistic accompaniment Eloi Recoing
Text translation from French to English Genevieve Knibiehler

Production & Support

Production: Théâtre de l’Entrouvert
Coproductions: Espace Jéliote in Oloron St Marie (64) – Theatre d’Arles (13) – La ville de Mende (48) – Velo Theater in Apt (84) – Scène nationale de Cavaillon (84).
With the support from: The city of Apt, the SPEDIDAM, the general council of Vaucluse, the DRAC Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, the Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur.
The creation of IMPERMANENCE received aid for the creation of the City of Apt, the General Council of Vaucluse, DRAC and the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region, as well as SPEDIDAM. Diffusion is supported by the ONDA (National Artistic Diffusion Office). The tour of Argentina and Uruguay was supported by the French Institute, the French Embassy in Argentina, the Alliance Française in Buenos Aires and the French Embassy in Uruguay.