

Co-creation Elise Vigneron & Satchie Noro


Mizu, which means water in Japanese 水, is a choreographic piece on a body of water, a landscape piece, a pas de trois embodied by a dancer, an ice puppet, and its puppeteer.

The creation project Mizu The creative project Mizu is part of the ongoing exploration led by Élise for the past decade around ice. It continues through the exploration of this material for two, intertwining bodies of ice and flesh, balancing acts, lifts, counterweights, in the air, on the ground, and underwater.

In Mizu, on the tightrope between appearance and disappearance, Élise and Satchie aim to celebrate impermanence, the fragility of existence as an ode to life, the fusion with the element that composes our bodies: water, the transition from form to formlessness, from individual to cosmos.

American Cast

Conception – direction Satchie Noro et Elise Vigneron
Puppeteer Mark Blashford
Danse Satchie Noro
Artistic Direction : Élise Vigneron and Blair Thomas
Conception construction dispositif scénographique Silvain Ohl et Éric Noel
Puppet Construction (replica): Vincent Debuire assisted by Alma Roccella, based on the originals designed by Hélène Barreau
Création textile Aurore Thibout
Musique Carlos Canales


Théâtre Le Vellein, scènes de la CAPI Villefontaine (38)


Vélo Théatre, scène conventionnée Apt (84)


Le Sémaphore Port de Bouc (13)


Théâtre au fil de l’eau dans le cadre de la BIAM Pantin (95)


Centre culturel Jean Houdremont La Courneuve (93)


Centre culturel Jean Houdremont La Courneuve (93)